New green facade area at the SNP dome parking garage

New, green and innovative: The parking garage in the Heidelberg Innovation Park (hip) at the SNP dome has been given a new type of façade greening. The various plants are attached to the wall of the parking garage in such a way that they offer numerous benefits for people and animals, especially insects.

“It is important for Heidelberg to adapt to climate change in order to remain a city worth living in,” said Raoul Schmidt-Lamontain, Mayor for Climate Protection, Environment and Mobility of the City of Heidelberg.

Diverse planting is crucial for the habitat of humans and animals
Facade greening is a building block in Heidelberg that aims to make public spaces greener and more people-friendly. The plants also provide a habitat with food and nesting sites for various animal species. The area is irrigated using rainwater from the parking garage’s cistern. The new façade is a so-called learning project – in other words, the area combines many approaches with the aim of observing, learning from and optimizing as necessary.


Caption: At the new façade greening area at the “SNP dome” parking lot (from left): Klaus Wegenast (Managing Director of the construction company Flor Design GmbH), Karen Engelhardt (project-leading landscape architect at the Landscape and Forestry Office), Lukas Ohnemus (Site Manager at the landscape architecture firm GDLA), Daniel Lindemann (Managing Director of the landscape architecture firm GDLA and planner of the façade greening) and Climate Mayor Raoul Schmidt-Lamontain.

Credit: Philipp Rothe

1800 1080 hip - Heidelberg Innovation Park